Links & resources
1300 22 46 36
beyondblue offers online resources for various mental health concerns, including anxiety.
SANE Australia
1800 187 263
SANE offer a range of online resources for anxiety and other mental health concerns.
1800 650 890
Supports young people between 12 years and 25 years, and their families, going through a tough time (24 hours).
Reach Out
Online resources relating to various mental health concerns including anxiety, for under 25s.
1800 184 527
QLife offer telephone and web chat counselling from 3pm - 12am every day, for people of any age who identify as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/ or intersex (LGBTI).
1300 726 306
PANDA offers telephone counselling from 9am - 7:30pm Monday to Friday, for perinatal anxiety and depression.
Mind Health Connect
Mind Health Connect offers an A-Z list of mental health resources.
National Rural Health Alliance Ltd
Online mental health information and services for people living in rural areas of Australia.